This email marks an important transition in the Enabling FAIR Data project from development of recommendations and guidelines, to “testing” of those guidelines and how they will be implemented. Current activity includes:
- Developing a new tool for researchers, librarians, and others to find FAIR-compliant repositories for data deposition. DataCite and the re3data teams are working hard to have a version ready for user testing in July, and a full roll out in August. Anyone interested in testing should contact me to be included in that process.
- Building a new Enabling FAIR Data website where we can manage the guidance, FAQs, and project information into the future. Once we have it up and running, we will share the URL.
- Last rounds of comment review and adjudication of developed guidelines. The commitment statement, and other documents continue to receive a few comments here and there. Shortly we will lock those down and finalize the text. You should have just received the Author Guidelines for review. Due date for comments is 25 May.
- Detailed information on the FAIR-compliant elements for repositories, journals, and researchers to include what isrequired and recommended. These elements will be the focus of implementation and is almost ready for review. Watch your email for that upcoming opportunity.
Next Stakeholder Meeting is September 12 – 13, 2018:
The agenda and opportunity to apply to participate coming soon. As we prepare for the next Stakeholder Meeting September 12-13 we are focusing on what is being asked of repositories as part of implementation. This will be identified in detail in the FAIR-compliant elements document (#4 above). If you represent an Earth, space, or environmental repository please consider having representation at the meeting planned for September 12 – 13, 2018 in Washington DC. Travel support is available. As soon as we have the agenda determined, we will share that along with an opportunity to apply to participate. Meanwhile, please mark your calendar. We also plan to have remote participation to help increase the number of participants.
Slides for Presentations: For those of you giving presentations that include updates on this project. You are welcome to use slides from recent talks. Here is the folder. Links to specific slide decks:
- Project Overview Slides (Belmont Forum eI&DM, Publisher Policy Meeting, May 2018) – [Note content on slides 8-9 will be replaced by the FAIR-compliant elements document]
- Project Details for Publishers (Council For Science Editors, May 2018)
- Project Details for Repositories (EarthCube Liaison Meeting, May 2018) [Note content on slides 7 – 15 will soon be replaced by the FAIR-compliant elements document]
Ways you can contribute:
- Introduce the Commitment Statement, Author Guidelines, and other materials to your community. Let them know implementation will begin late August. The Repository Finder tool will be available along with supporting materials on the new website. Once those are ready you are welcome to share them as well. If you like to schedule a presentation specific to your group, please don’t hesitate to ask.
- The Repository Finder tool will need user testing as well as efforts to review repository records to ensure they are up-to-date and optimal for the tool. We will reach out to repositories once we have recommendations for your metadata. The plan is to conduct a webinar where you can review your record, and better understand the keywords and filtering of the tool so you can be correctly represented to researchers. Stand by for dates/times of those webinar. We will try to find friendly times for all time zones. We will record them as well.
- Help with examples and FAQs for the Author Guidelines. The new website will host this information for any organization to point to or use. If you would like to participate in developing this information please email me. We are working with ESIP and FORCE11 to create software citation examples and review the current examples for data citation. Materials to review will be available to you as part of this email distribution.
Thank you all for continued interest and enthusiast support of the Enabling FAIR Data project. We have been on track with our milestones and now heading into the ramp up to implementation. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has participated on the TAGs, commented on the documents, and shared our effort with your community. There are more details than we can batten down at one time, but as we move forward with your input and support we are methodically addressing each one. I truly appreciate your suggestions and the stories you have shared from your communities. Your ideas for how to provide support to our researchers and the likely challenges they will face are helpful as we try to prepare materials that will be valuable when navigating these new requirements.
Sharing information about the project:
Our email distribution list is managed on the RDA website. You are welcome to encourage others to join the conversation. Becoming an RDA member is free, and you can add yourself to the list. If you would prefer to not be an RDA member, send an email to be included.
If you have questions or would like support in discussing this project with your communities, please reach out.